As part of basic documentation for loan approval, some customers who apply for higher loan amounts are required to provide bank statement as income proof. Being said that, we do not require you to submit Bank Statement in PDF copy or Hard Copies for Income Verification. We enable secure linking of your bank account to the Kissht App for instant access to the last 6 months' bank statements. This is a One-time access with no disclosure of other banking data and is secured by authorized Bank Account Aggregator, that is recognized by many banks in India.

For the convenience of our beloved customers, we provide the facility to instantly link your bank account to your loan application so that you need not upload any bank statements separately. Just by linking your bank account, we will be able to fetch your bank statement for last 6 months instantly. Kindly note that we only get one-time access to your latest bank statement and no other banking data is revealed to us. The access is logged out immediately after the linking of statement is completed. This service is completely secured by authorized Bank Account Aggregator, which is recognized & authorized by many banks in India to provide this service.